Renee Burke

Head Veterinary Nurse - Bradbury and Nurse Educator
What is your role here?
As well as being a senior veterinary nurse, I have also taken on the exciting role of Nurse Educator. My key duties of Nurse Educator is offering and motivating our forever growing nursing staff in continuing education, whether it is in-house training, or an array of external training to ensure our nurses skills are kept current and industry leading.
When did you start working at MVG?
I started working at MVG in September 2015
What are your qualifications and when did you achieve them?
I have a Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing which I obtained in 2010.
What are some of the things you love about the veterinary industry?
The love I have for all animals and my great team that I work with.
MVG is a great place to work because…
The amazing and dedicated team I work with. We’re like one big family!
Description of your pets / spouse / family
I live with my husband Damien, son Jacob and daughters Emily & Amelia in the local area. We share our home with a rescued stray domestic short haired cat, Violet, a Chihuahua x Foxie, Suzy who was rescued as a stray pup after being found in the middle of the road at Bankstown, and a Jack Russell Terrier, Buddy who was also rescued as a young dog after suffering terrible abuse.
One interesting fact about you that no one knows!
I always wanted to be a vet nurse. I remember talking to a vet when my dog was getting her vaccinations, I was 5 years old, and I told the vet that I wanted to be a vet nurse. He asked me why I didn’t want to be a vet. I replied, “because I don’t want to put my finger up dog’s bums!” He laughed and said nurses have to do that too. I didn’t believe him! (I should have!) I still love my job … dog’s bums and all!