Tammy Norman

HR Administrator + Veterinary Nurse
What is your role here?
HR Administrator + Veterinary Nurse
When did you start working at MVG?
May 2010
What are your qualifications and when did you achieve them?
- Diploma in Tourism/Event Coordinating completed June 2007
- Cert IV in Veterinary Nursing completed in December 2012
What are some of the things you love about the veterinary industry?
I have always had a desire and love to be around anything animal related. It’s my love for animals that keeps me in this industry. The clients have now become my friends and my colleagues now my family. I know this may seem strange to some people, but my job is who I am and I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.
MVG is a great place to work because…
The Partners’ passion for growth within MVG means I can keep continually growing as an employee and things won’t get stale.
Description of your pets / spouse / family
I have a two budgies Stocky & Evee. Evee was a recent addition to the family from Macarthur Pets and Stocky I acquired as a little stray through work nearly 3yrs ago. I have also adopted from work a male grey/white domestic shorthair – he was brought into the clinic of March last year with a collar grown into his armpit by the Monks at Wedderburn that had been caring for him since he rocked up at the Monastery. He remained at the clinic right up until early October 2017 as he had a nasty infection and required multiple surgeries. During this time, I’d fallen madly in love with him and the Monks asked if he wanted me to be his Mummy and apparently he replied yes!! They gave him such a great name I wouldn’t dream of changing it – “Cat”. I now couldn’t imagine home life without him. I also live with my partner Paul of over 3 years whom I also couldn’t imagine not having in my life. We also regularly head to Young NSW where the rest of my family resides for lots of cuddles from my nephew and nieces.
One interesting fact about you that no one knows!
I was obsessed with swimming growing up and would train up to 3hrs a day, also made it to state level on multiple occasions. Was always a highlight swimming at Homebush!!